
How To Create Internet Radio Website

Even though podcasting and other forms of entertainment are taking over the market that radio used to own – there's still a lot of people out there learning how to start an internet radio station. And you might be one of them.

We know it can be somewhat difficult to enter this market nowadays. First, because it is not cheap, and second because no one knows what the future may hold for those who get into it.

But still, it is a pretty neat endeavor to spend time on. If you're willing to give your best and use the radio station as a way to get more people into whatever you're interested in, then you won't be free of success. But of course, it requires a lot of compromises, work, and probably some money.

That's why we want to teach you all the ins and outs of the craft and help you make it happen without wasting much of your time, effort, or savings.

So, are you eager to learn everything about starting an internet radio station nowadays? Then read up!

What Is an Internet Radio Station?

First off, let's explain exactly what an internet radio station means. And for that, we need to explain radio stations as well.

A radio station refers to a musical or talk show that transmits audio via radio waves. These radio waves travel through and across cities, delivering the music or talk show directly to radio devices. Of course, these radio waves travel on different channels depending on the station, so people can switch between them.

When someone refers to an internet radio station, they're talking about a musical or talk show as well. But this time, it doesn't travel around using radio waves but the internet. That means it won't be available on every radio device, but only in those with an internet connection.

Of course, a radio station depends heavily on software, hardware, and internet connection. And sure enough, it often requires a network or a website. Follow Radio Organizer.

Types of Internet Radio Stations

So, if an internet radio station broadcasts its signal through the internet – does it have any other kind of delivery to consider? Well, yes – you can find independent stations and simulcasting stations.

Independent Stations

An independent station refers to those internet stations that only broadcast through the internet. You won't be able to find them in FM or terrestrial waves, which makes less available than other stations.

But this comes with an advantage: way more affordable in the short and long run. Apart from that, it gets rid of the annoying certifications and other factors that could make it challenging to start one.

These independent stations are available through websites, mobile apps, internet speakers, TVs, internet-connected cars, and just any device with audio capacity and internet connection.

Simulcasting Stations

On the other hand, you will also find internet radio stations as simulcasting types. These refer to the ones that broadcast their signal through terrestrial waves (FM) and through digital terrestrial or the internet (RNT/DAB+).

You can listen to these radio stations both with an FM device as well as an internet connection on any other machine.

In case you only have one type of radio device, then you won't have any problem. You can listen to these stations anyways. But of course, these are often more difficult to run, more expensive, and sometimes more annoying due to the tricky certification needs.

9 Steps for Starting Your Own Internet Radio Station

Now that you're familiar with internet radio stations and the different types available, it is time to learn precisely how to start one. Here are the different steps you need to take for that:

1. Get the Internet Radio Station Equipment

internet radio station equipment

The first step of starting your radio station is to get all the necessary equipment for recording and broadcasting your show.

Of course, if you have the equipment already or you decide to go through the cheapest path – then you can pass on getting the stuff.

Overall, you'll just need a mic, an audio mixer, and the speakers or headphones. In some cases, a computer will come with all of these, and you won't need anything else – but the quality won't be the same.

Otherwise, if you want to go full-quality, then get the equipment. Here's what we recommend:



It doesn't matter what type of radio station you're starting, sooner or later you will have to talk. For that, you will need at least one microphone. In case you're starting a radio station to host interviews or bring guests, then you can always get at least one or two more.

After finding out how many mics you need, then you'll need to know what type you will get the most from. Here are two kinds to consider:

  • Dynamic Mic

Dynamic Mic

The dynamic microphone is the one most radio stations use for singers and performers. It is the perfect one to capture sound without much noise while still delivering excellent quality overall.

They are not the best for performing such as singing or playing an instrument, but they're excellent if you want to dampen down the noise and prevent unwanted distortions in the audio.

While the sound is pretty decent, they still don't require any special power to work. So that comes up as a huge advantage along with their cheapness.

  • Condenser Mic


In case you want something that captures sound amazingly well (studio level), then you can go for a condenser mic. This is the one that production labels use for singers and musicians to record their songs. That means, they capture every sound wave amazingly well.

The contrast is these mics are often more expensive, and they capture more noise and distortion than usual.

So they're most useful in sound-proof studios where you can't hear anything apart from the person talking or the instrument playing. Apart from that, condenser mics require batteries to work. And that can make them even costlier.

Audio Mixer or Mixing Desk

Audio Mixer

You will find this equipment both as a mixing desk and an audio mixer. The whole focus of this device is to let you mix sounds directly from their sources instead of relying on the software.

What they do is receive all the connections from microphones, phones, computers, and so on. And they also connect directly with your broadcasting device. An audio mixer receives the sound, then "mixes" or helps you decide which ones people will listen to.

Also, these mixing desks come with equalization, audio enhancement, compression, filtering, and more. So depending on what connects to the machine, you can edit the sound accordingly.

Let's say you have a guest who talks too softly, and people can barely hear him/her. Well, with an audio mixer, you can turn up the volume and clear out the voice.

Headphones & Speakers


Once you have the microphone(s) and the mixer, then you're ready to go into the speakers and the headphones. We don't think it is necessary to get both. But for the best experience, getting the two will offer the most help.


A headphone offers the clearest sound quality, which helps to tune the audio as necessary. And the speakers help to listen to the radio signal just like any listener would.

Headphones also help to ease out the communication between the host and the guest in an interview. And in some cases, it helps to reduce any possible background noise. If you want to go the cheap way, then pick the headphones only and leave the speakers for later.

Desktop or Laptop


Last but not least, make sure to get a laptop/desktop for your internet radio station studio. It doesn't matter what type of computer it is as long as it can handle a radio broadcasting application.


We usually recommend Windows. It is the most compatible, the most supported, and the easiest-to-use operating system you can get. The computer doesn't need to be super expensive or have tons of memory or storage. But it should still be fast enough to handle demanding software.

What is this software we're talking about? Well, keep reading!

2. Get the Internet Radio Station Software

In case you decide to go the cheapest way, you may not need any physical equipment like microphones or headphones. But you will still need the software. This is the only essential part of the whole radio station setup. Otherwise, you won't be able to broadcast. These are some of the software or apps you will need:

Audio Software

First things first, and for a radio station, the first thing is always the audio. Even if you have an audio mixer, you will need an audio software that lets you edit sounds, voices, and more. Also, it enables you to choose precisely what you want to broadcast and how.

There are many different types of audio editors out there. If you want to go the easiest way, then choose one that lets you edit the audio, record, and save audio files with no watermarks. That will be enough.

Broadcasting Software

Broadcasting is an activity by itself. It requires audio processing but also some encoding. There are several types of broadcasting software systems. But we mostly recommend the broadcast automation ones.

Automation software offers the chance to track voices with background music, which lets you talk over performers or the music itself. It also allows you to program music playing according to your needs. If you need some specific music titles to play at a particular time, this software will let you schedule it.

Other features from a broadcast automation software include labeling of music by category or genre, voice manipulation, sound effects, and more.

In short, broadcasting software has the whole purpose of transforming all the audio you create from microphones and computer into a radio signal that transmits through the internet. Without broadcasting software, you won't be able to broadcast your radio station.

3. Get an FM Radio License (Optional)

In case you're starting an internet radio station to broadcast copyrighted music, then you'll need an FM radio license. Otherwise, you can dismiss this step.

What a radio license does is to help artists and record labels with copyrighted music know when you're using their music. And of course, it also gives them the chance to receive royalties or payments from the broadcasting of that audio.

The FM radio license, however, is not easy to get. In some US states, the process tends to last a few weeks or even months. And before that, you will have to apply within a given time – or you may need to wait a whole year to do so.

That's why this is optional, and we usually don't recommend it. Instead, you can opt to use royalty-free music that doesn't require any license, making the whole internet station legal and much cheaper.

Also know: how to build carrier in audio engineering.

4. Create a Brand Name

brand name

Once you have the equipment, the software, and the license (if needed), then you can start finding the perfect name for your station. This is an essential part of setting up a station, mainly because this is how you want people to refer to it.

And it should resonate with both the content you're offering as well as the audience you want to catch.

We recommend checking the station name of your liking against any trademark and/or existing radio station. Before you make a final decision on the title, you should make sure that no one else is using it.

Overall, focus on originality but also on attractiveness. It should be both easy to pronounce and unique, but also have a touch of fun.

5. Find Content to Broadcast

Now that you have almost everything ready to start the first broadcast, you need to know which type of content you want to create.

This is somewhat tricky because you will have to find a niche. But you will also need to decide whether you want to be a talk radio show, a music station, Dj, a news station, or everything at the same time. Then, you can pick the content you want to broadcast. Here are several things to consider:

Your Own Audio

If you want to prevent the annoying licensing process for your internet station and save some money with music and other trademarked or copyrighted content – then you can always come up with your own.

Using your own audio is mostly about talks, interviews, news, and other original content that you won't have to have permits for. And sure enough, this also includes live music shows and the like – where you can broadcast performers such as singers and musicians live.

To record and broadcast your own audio, however, you will need a complete radio studio. And this often requires mics, headphones, audio mixers, and all the necessary broadcast software.

Broadcasting News

In case you want to become an internet station that broadcasts news, then you will need a place to get them from. Apart from that, you will need to get them as fast as possible, or at least get unique pieces of information that no one else, or at least a few people have.

Luckily, you'll be running an internet radio station for which you can get all the content directly from the internet itself.

Here, we recommend subscribing to as many news and blog feeds available. You may also start following multiple news accounts from social media, mainly Twitter and Facebook. As a last resort, you can use paid apps that let you get instant access to news & content from trustful sources.

The focus should be on sharing news and content that people can rely on, but also people find appealing. And if you can do so faster than other radio stations or content resources, then you're set to stand out.

Interviews & Talks

Interviews & Talks

If there's something people love is to listen to other people talk about things they don't know much about, or they just find interesting.

And if your radio station handles general topics, then you can invite people from all sorts of backgrounds. But if you have a radio station that focuses on a specific niche, then you can always invite experts and famous names to come and create quality content at your side.

This is the basis behind podcasts nowadays. And you can bank a lot of money if you learn how to handle interviews and bring the right people into the station.

Scheduled Content

Once you've decided on the type of content you want to share, then you can start making playlists and/or programming the content. Here, we recommend getting the most out of your broadcasting software. That means scheduling the type of content you want to share, whether it is music, news, talk shows, interviews, etc.

Also, it should have precise schedules every day. That will let listeners know when you're sharing the specific type of content so they can tune in at the right hour. And for even more effective scheduling, promote the content via social media and other means.

6. Promote Your Station

Promote Your Station

Then, you are ready to promote the station. You will need to focus on getting into as many people's faces as possible. Here's how:

Use Social Media

Use Social Media

There's nothing more helpful to promote things nowadays than using social media. The level of engagement and people's feeds you can get into nowadays is just unbeatable by anything in past decades.

But it is not only about creating a social media profile on Instagram, but YouTube, Twitter, or TikTok, and that's it. You will also need to create content for your profiles and make sure that people are often following, engaging, and sharing what you create.

This is probably the hardest part of using social media. Because you're relatively unknown, no one will follow you unless you have some content. And if you're an internet radio station, then it is even harder to promote.

To get the most out of social media profiles, do some research on the demographics you want to get into, as well as learn about what people are interested in. Then, you will have an easier time creating content for your social media and bringing more people.

And this won't be easy, though. So you may need to put as much effort into your social media as you'd put into the radio station itself.

Connect with Influencers

While using social media can boost your brand enormously, there's nothing like telling someone with an already big following to help you. These people who have lots of followers and people who engage with their content are called influencers.

And they often have an exciting way to make money: they charge for promoting brands. If you have the money and can pay for some promotion, then an influencer can be an excellent resource. Of course, you will need to contact an influencer that has something in common with your brand, either the niche or the demographics.

Apart from that, the influencer must be someone people trust. Some influencers have big brands, but their brands are not trustful. So being associated with the lack of trust in these influencers may bring your brand trust down as well.

Finally, you must pick an influencer in the ideal social media. For example, an Instagram influencer won't have the same kind of follower as a YouTube influencer, and so on.

When it comes to a radio station, you want people that have long-enough attention spans to tune in and stay. And for that, you will need influencers that work with people with long attention spans, usually from social media pages like YouTube or podcasts.

In case you have an influencer friend, or you can connect with someone and offer a two-sided agreement that's not only based on money – then both can win big. Overall, an influencer can be a considerable aid.

Start a Website


Once you have your social media profiles ready and decided whether an influencer can help you or not – then you can start a website. It is super important to take your time with a website, mainly because this could be the place where you're broadcasting the station from.

A website also works as a way to let previous shows to rest. And in some cases, it may work to help your SEO and create additional content like blogs, news, and/or exclusive audio that your listeners can find pretty interesting.

In case you have something to sell or promote apart from your radio station, then you may set up an email-capturing service. It will help to set newsletters for promoting shows, events, or offer unique products.

And in short, a website is super helpful when promoting your radio station, but also essential if you want to create the most useful & profitable content possible.

7. Connect Your Broadcast Server

After having everything ready – then you can start looking for a way to broadcast the radio station. And because you're doing it through the internet, you'll need a broadcast server.

This process is pretty straightforward, but it requires some technical knowledge, which could be far from yours. That's why we usually recommend hiring someone with experience to do so – or to teach you how.

And this is all about setting up an encoder that receives the audio content and sends it like sound data through the server towards the internet.

There are many types of broadcasting servers, though. Some of them are paid servers you need to subscribe to so you can broadcast your radio from it. These make it easy to set up the whole broadcasting thing and can be excellent at first.

Others are physical servers, like the ones you set up in the office and run the radio from. This is like turning a computer into the server, which requires more technical knowledge and experience. But it ends up being more reliable in the long run.

Once you set up the broadcasting server, then you can start broadcasting your internet radio station signal.

Start Broadcasting

With the hardware and equipment ready, the software up and working, and the right promotion for the station plus the broadcasting server set up – then you can start broadcasting. Just set up the entire studio, click the START BROADCAST button, and let your passion flow through the mic or music you're streaming.

Remember, you want people to follow you, to listen to whatever you want to transmit, and to love the craft just as much as you do. So give your best to start broadcasting and get your own internet radio station out there for everyone to listen to.

8. Set up Monetization

Sure, you want to start an internet radio station because you love the thing. But that doesn't mean you don't want to make money from it. That's why monetization is such an essential step. If you want the radio station to be long-lasting and not become more of a burden than a pleasure, then you need proper monetization.

This is what you should focus on:

Website & Radio Ads

Setting up ads is not easy, but it is also not rocket science. The thing is, to have ads on your radio show, you also need people to tune to the station. Otherwise, no one will pay for ads – and no network will offer its help.

The best way to do this is to build a large enough audience in a niche. Or at least have enough people from general backgrounds to listen to the radio station every day.

If you get to catch a lot of people from specific niches or just in general, then you will start ranking up your audience numbers. This will help you get some leverage for ads.

For example, once you have, let's say 10.000 daily listeners in Dallas, then you can start asking businesses or organizations from Dallas to promote their products/brand in your station. Of course, you won't do so for free – so you can start getting paid for your efforts.

You can do the same with your website. In case you have enough viewers or visitors, then you can start showing ads on your site the same way. This will also bring extra money that you could use as income.

Also, the only drawback of website & radio ads is that they require having a vast audience, excellent metrics, and a reputable brand that people can trust. But of course, that's what creating an internet radio station is about.

Ad Networks

In case your internet station has a large-enough set of listeners that tune in daily through your website, then you can start applying to ad networks. There are many different types of ad networks out there, and they let you monetize from the visitors of your website directly.

This offers the chance to let random companies, business, and/or organization to show their ads on your website. But of course, the whole process is automated, so the ad network will show the ads that fit your audience demographic data.

You won't be able to make as much money from ad networks, but it could add up to the ways you monetize your internet radio station.

9. Find Affiliate Partners

Find Affiliate Partners

A final type of monetization you can use for your internet radio station is to become an affiliate marketer. This works by promoting or sharing exciting products directly from retailers or manufacturers' websites, and you get paid each time someone buys those products directly with your help.

This requires a little more time and effort to make it possible. And it also demands people enter your website and/or social media pages to interact directly with the links (URL) you share. In case they click the links, find something they like, and buy – then you get a percentage of the sale.

That's how affiliate marketing works nowadays. And it is a massive part of many radio stations monetization systems nowadays, as well as influencers, YouTubers, and tons of websites.

Here, again, the money comes from the partner brands and/or services. You won't make money directly but receive a percentage of what these businesses make.

Overall, making money with a radio station is not easy. But it is worth it. If you get to amass a broad enough audience, then you can make the bank doing something you love. And these different ways to do so make it all possible.


As you see, learning how to start an internet radio station will not be a piece of cake in the slightest. In fact, it will require more time, effort, and money than you probably expected – but that makes it all worth it.

This is a fantastic way to get into the entertainment system, as well as a tremendous endeavor to follow, which can end up in exceptional opportunities down the road.

Just be responsible, be committed, and offer the highest quality radio content out there. You won't regret starting your own station for sure.

How To Create Internet Radio Website


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