
How To Draw A Girl With Long Hair Step By Step

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Drawing people tin be difficult, especially children. Notwithstanding, with a niggling practise, anyone can exercise it. Here are steps you can follow to draw a girl.

  1. 1

    Sketch a circle for the head and a modest oblong for the body.

  2. 2

    Sketch the guidelines for the face also every bit the chin and the jaw line.


  3. 3

    Add together the extremities (arms and the legs).

  4. four

    Sketch 2 circles for the eyes.

  5. five

    Sketch the draft of the pilus. Information technology depends on yous.

  6. six

    Sketch the basic draft for the daughter's clothes.

  7. 7

    Sketch the other details of the compatible.

  8. 8

    Describe the bones outline of the girl.

  9. 9

    Erase the draft and put in more details.

  10. ten

    Color the girl.


  1. 1

    Sketch the head. Draw a circumvolve and a curved line nether that for the chin. Add guidelines like those shown to assistance you lot with the facial features. The proportions for the face are up to y'all, and volition vary depending on whether you lot want information technology to exist realistic or cartoony. The illustrations show a cute, cartoon girl (so the proportions are not very realistic).

  2. 2

    Add two circles for the eyes and two thin curved lines to a higher place that for the eyebrows. Depict ii half-circles for the ears, on the same guideline as the eyes.

  3. three

    Add together a minor nose and tiny pair of lips. They can be larger or look different, nonetheless, if y'all want a less cartoonish or cute-looking daughter.

  4. four

    Sketch in the pilus. Draw bangs for her and make her hair brusque, or keep it long and wavy. Use your imagination.

  5. 5

    Now sketch in the body. Draw a pocket-size neck for her, a circle for the upper body and an oval for the lower trunk.

  6. 6

    For the arms and legs, draw 2 connected ovals each. Draw small-scale circles for the hands and anxiety. Put in cute little ovals for her fingers. You don't have to include the detail of fingernails, only if you do, make them fairly short and emphasize them after by coloring them in (to serve as smash polish).

  7. seven

    Sketch in her dress. Add a blueprint if y'all want, or just describe a simple dress. Draw some shoes and add a floppy hat or a ribbon for her hair.

  8. 8

    Add together final lines and any additional details, like eyelashes, ribbons, etc. The specifics are up to you--again, be creative!

  9. 9

    Outline the little girl and erase the guidelines. You can also add together some sort of background or some other outside element to your drawing at this point, such as shadowing.

  10. 10

    Colour her and her clothes in. You're done!


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    How do I brand a cartoon girl equally a beginner?

    Community Answer

    You might desire to check out Describe a Cartoon Girl With Her Hair Up.

  • Question

    How can I draw Liv and Maddie?

    Community Answer

    Beginning with a circle. Create a line longways in the eye of the circle (for a guideline). Add optics, a oral cavity, a olfactory organ, etc. For Liv, add together glasses and mayhap a ponytail.

  • Question

    How do I describe a full grown adult female?

    Community Answer

    Simply make the head smaller, the torso longer, the eyes smaller and breasts larger.

  • Question

    How do y'all describe a daughter in school siting at her desk working?



    Community Answer

    You tin can expect at references pictures, but basically brand the thighs flatter and wider, since she is sitting, and draw her hair roofing her face a scrap. You can brand her sitting up direct (her hair should be in her confront less), or you can draw her hunched over, where her hair should exist covering her face.

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  • Draw lightly in pencil then that yous can easily rub out mistakes.

  • For well-nigh artists, humans are the most difficult thing to portray, because in that location are so many techniques to drawing them and and so many minor features to take into account. The girl shown in the images here is a simple case, but learning the basics before you lot become onto real figure drawing is important. So fifty-fifty if you're not much for unproblematic cartoons, sketch this girl and other unproblematic figures before y'all try drawing more than realistic people.

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Article Summary X

To draw a girl, start by drawing a circumvolve with a point at the lesser for the head and chin. So, draw 2 modest circles with a thin curved line above each one to make the eyes and eyebrows. Next, draw the nose, lips, and ears. One time yous're done with the face, depict the girl's hair any way you'd like, whether it's short or long and wavy or direct. Finally, add together the finishing touches, similar eyelashes, pupils, and a ribbon in her hair. To learn how to draw a cartoon daughter wearing a uniform, keep reading!

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