
How To Create Landing Page In Hubspot

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HubSpot Free is helping businesses on a budget leverage the power of digital marketing. In this video, I'll show you how you can use HubSpot to create clean and effective landing pages.

But there is more to creating landing pages than lead generation. I'll also share why using HubSpot Free as a CRM which connects to your landing pages will help you turn leads into customers.

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Video Transcript:

Landing pages are essential when it comes to converting our leads online. But there's a difference between landing pages that convert and landing pages that, well, that are a mess. In this video, we're going to look at some examples of landing pages that convert well and why they do as well as some landing pages that might not convert as high and some of the issues that we see with them. It really can be just small adjustments to the form questions that you're asking that can make the difference between generating leads and not.

Landing Pages Convert Leads

Landing pages are essential to converting our leads. That's what makes online marketing profitable. It makes it worth doing when you can convert the people coming to your website by giving them something in exchange for some information.

HubSpot is an amazing tool when it comes to building landing pages, but more than that, it sinks everything together. All your contacts, your emails, everything is in one source that makes it way easier to manage, and now as a free user, you can build some powerful landing pages. Before we get into how we do that with HubSpot for free, let's talk a little bit about how landing pages work and why they're important.

Offer Something of Value

First, a landing page has to tell the story and tell a user why they should be downloading something. You need to make sure that you're not asking for too much information. That can be one way to deter somebody from actually converting as a lead. This is a landing page for an SEO checklist. Right here, we asked for the name, we're asking for email, their website URL, and then we're asking for them to identify themselves. The reason we do this on our backend is so that we can segment our leads and make sure that we send them information that they're interested in. We're not just blasting them with stuff they don't care about. You can see, it's a checklist, so we're not asking for a ton of information. We want to know who they are, their email, and then their website information, as well as what they do for a living. Maybe they're an entrepreneur or business owner or something along those lines, so we can segment to provide better information for them.

Now, this is for a checklist, like I said, so we don't need a ton of information with them, but we are delivering value to them. Now, if we're going to give them even more value,  this campaign launch guide which has templates in it and really works them through how to build their inbound marketing strategy, we actually asked for their company name, and then we even asked other questions that aren't required. We talked to them about their industry, things like what would be their biggest challenge working with a marketing agency. We do ask for more information, even though we don't require it, because we're giving them more value so we can ask for more information in exchange for that value.

Now, by no means, am I saying that these are the best landing pages in the world, you can always make them better, there are some tweaks and adjustments that we're going to be making to these landing pages. But I will say that these landing pages convert very high, at over 20 to 30%. So that means for every hundred people that sees this page, we get about 20 to 30 people who fill out these forms and give us their information. It's pretty awesome.

Ask for the Right Information

You have to make sure that you make the right decision when you're designing your landing pages and that you're asking for the right information. As you can see, when we provide more value, we try to ask for more information. Other brands do this too, you've seen this all the time. Now here's AdRoll, they are a large advertising agency that helps you run your ads better online. Here, they've got an ebook that they're doing that you can download free, but they're asking for first name, last name, website, email address, and then they asked for the phone number.

Now, phone number to me is something that you have to be very careful with. If you're a local business and you're saying, hey, we'll call you back to help you install or provide this specific service for you, that's okay. But when you're a digital company and you're asking for a phone number, that's a very private thing. People still try to keep their phone numbers closer to them, even though they're willing to give up an email address, something like that. I don't recommend asking for a phone number when it comes to an ebook. I only ask for a phone number when we're in a position to make a sale where somebody is able to have a conversation and we can start to set up some sort of meeting in order to leverage that into a sale.

Over here we've got the data-driven content marketer, this is by Uberflip. Now you can see they've got a little bit of context up here. I think that this landing page is a little bit vague. Had you taken this element here from another page that might've helped, but as you can see here, they're asking for a work email, which is a great ask, you know, for an ebook, just a work email, that's a great exchange here. But as you can see, it's a little bit vague until you scroll down.

Maybe I would, you know, maybe not fade out the background so you can see it a little bit more. But as you can see, if you go to a demo page with them, they're going to ask you for more information, like first name, last name, work email, phone number, and that's okay here, because they want to set up a demo with you. They're going to give you more value showing you their tools showing how everything works. It's okay to ask for more information because it's imperative in order to set up that demo.

The last one here, again, is from ThriveHive where they're giving an ebook again, reputation 101. Reputation's an important thing when it comes to marketing, but again, they're asking for a phone number, and I don't think that that's a great move early on in the process. Ebooks are typically a top of the funnel, sometimes middle of the funnel, and a phone number is definitely something that you bring into play at the bottom of the funnel.

Building Landing Pages in HubSpot

These are things you want to think about before designing your landing pages. Now you can build a landing page in your CMS, but one of the benefits of using HubSpot is it's also a CRM and it's sales software. When those contacts come in, you can begin to work those contacts right from within the software. And you don't have to go back and forth from your website and then exporting that information and then using your email. You know, you can do it with all within one software that's going to track it for you and allow you to move those leads in a longer and a much smoother way.

HubSpot's doing a lot more as far as their free tools are concerned. Today in the marketing, you've got the ad, you've got some email integration, and now we've got landing pages, which came just behind forms. In a previous video, I showed you how to use those pop-up tools that you can use with the forms in order to create leads. But now we can do it on landing pages and you get up to 20 free. All you have to do is sign up for a free account and then click get started.

Using HubSpot Templates

They've got a number of templates in here, which is great, so you don't have to reinvent the wheel. If you're not design-oriented or this isn't something that you do a lot, this is a great way to get started. You can just funnel through here and say, "Okay, this is a basic ebook offer, I want to do this." And we'll say basic ebook and hit create page. I like this design, because it's very simple, it's easy to use. You want to tell them what you're giving them. You're going to give a little bit more information about that ebook, create a cover or get a cover, if you have a cover or an image, and then you want to have the right ask here.

The one thing I would probably do differently here is add this text over here to make it work a little better. See how easy that was here? I dropped and I pulled this over here and drag it over here. I can slide it and move things around really easily.

If I don't want this column here, I can remove it, I can change it, or I can say, you know, fill out the form. Over here I click this module. You can see it says, edit rows. If I go back, it gives me something like here, rich text. This is text I can drop it in here and change this to submit to get access.

Now you can change this right up top here using the information we have, make sure that it's a little smaller, and it's starting to look better already. One thing you want to do is when you create the form is make sure that you're giving or asking the right information, like we talked about. We can click switch here, and we are going to choose a form. We don't have one so we'll set up one right here. Now for this basic email form, there we go, we've got email, and we've got a submit button. If I want to, I can create a couple more fields in here, like first name, last name, and submit. There we go, we've started to make a pretty-looking landing page here.

Additional Tools in HubSpot

If you're in the European area or you serve European customers, you've got GDPR right here. You can add capture spam prevention. Now the thank you page is really important. Either you create a thank you page, or a lot of times you can do an inline thank you, which say, hey, thanks for submitting this, and here is a link to your ebook and then you can attach that file right here. I love Grammarly, it saves me so much. And then you've got an inline thank you right there, which is really awesome.

You can send notifications to specific people. Let's say you want to send a notification to your boss or yourself or the whole sales team. You can choose those people right here inside of the choose email address. Then you can even send follow-up email. So once you set up the follow-up email process, you can send the ebook to them in email as well. This is a very easy step-by-step process HubSpot's created with drop and drag. If you ever get stuck, too, the great thing about this tool is it's got this help feature that is contextualized. It will allow us to see, create and publish a page, how to use a landing page with a starter template. That's going to walk you through each of the processes here to make sure that you get it done correctly.

How to Get Pages Found in Search

Once you're here, let's say you've got all the information, you've typed it up the way that you like it. The next step is to go into settings. This is where you're going to add a page title, so you can be found in search.

You want your pages found in search. This is where you're going to have your domain. Now, this is going to be on a HubSpot branded domain so make sure that you understand that, you're going to be sending somebody to a sub-domain off of HubSpot. But we've got here, the basic ebook and slug. We can do a meta-description. You can add featured images. Then you can go through the optimization process and HubSpot's going to say, hey, you need a meta-description; that's really important, it's mobile-friendly. This will talk about crawling and indexing, your title tags, the links in your pages, all the images that you have together, your headers. It's going to walk you through some basic search engine optimization. You do want your landing pages to be crawlable. You want them to be found in search. We get a number of people who find our content within the search engine, come to our site, download our content, and we've got another lead.

The Last Steps

Lastly, you can either publish it now, or you can schedule it for later. If you're ready to go, you'd hit the publish button and it would be live online. Let's take a look at what that would look like. Now we are using a landing page on a HubSpot page builder domain. We can use this for our ad campaigns. We can use this for marketing. We could put links on our website to it. We can post it on our social channels. The one thing to notice is it's going to be a HubSpot-branded domain. That's the way that you get it for free. Now, if you want to remove the HubSpot logos, you can upgrade to marketing starter, which honestly is a pretty good deal too, I think it's like $50 a month, which is very reasonable for the number of tools that you're getting.

We can look at what this page would look like. And here we go, we've got our landing page online. You can see you're going to get this one here from HubSpot, because they're giving it to you for free, so that's right, they're going to get some links and some callbacks there. But now we've got a landing page that we can use for our marketing purposes and we didn't have to pay anything. And when somebody fills out this form, let's go ahead and fill this out. Test-test. And we hit submit. Thank you, here's the link to your ebook. I didn't obviously make the link in here, but you would have the link there so they could download it.

The great part about it is now when I go to contacts, you're going to see that Ryan Shelley or Test-test filled out the form and now we've got a contact record. We know who this person is. HubSpot pulls all this information for you, by the way. Over here, we didn't ask for their company information, but they were able to pull the company information by my domain, which is pretty awesome. We've got the name, we've got the last name, the email address, and then we can begin to fill out the other information about this lead. We can take notes on this lead and begin to really work this lead and actually have a CRM that we can work from.

A Growth Game-changer

This was a game-changer for me when I was really growing my business and starting to push my business to that next level, where I was able to use a CRM, take notes, send emails to contacts, to begin to use this tool to now not just convert it from a lead standpoint, but now go back and begin to do the selling processes and say, "Hey, I noticed that you were spending some time on our site, you downloaded our offer. Did you find it helpful? Let me know if I can help." And I'll continue to present myself as somebody that could help and educate somebody because that's what I was passionate about and that led to me building trust and led to me closing more deals.

As you can see, this landing page tool is really powerful and really cool, and then it ties right into the CRM, which is probably the most important part of HubSpot when it comes to growing your business online.

Let me know if you have any questions about the landing page builder. It's a great tool. We use it all the time here at our agency. If you have any other questions about HubSpot, please comment below. We'd love to continue a conversation with you. Don't forget to hit subscribe because we create new content each and every week to help you get the most out of your digital marketing activities.

Until next time, Happy Marketing.

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How To Create Landing Page In Hubspot


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