Introduction: Dragon's Testicle

This is a dragon's egg from Game Of Thrones.

It's the egg of Rhaegal, the dragon arum.

Step 1: The Plans, and Cutting Out the Pieces

The original design for this ball is from Punished Props, but their design is for EVA foam. I don't have any EVA froth, and because of the lockdown I'm unable to get any, so I distinct to use cardboard rather, as I have plenty of that.

I used the provided plan for the side segments, as they would work just as fit for composition board as they get along for the effervesce. Just since the unlifelike is not as easy to form into the curved sections, I've made some spear carrier, smaller segments to mucilage onto the outside ready to try to keep the roundness of the ballock.

The for the first time step was to print out the plan provided away Censured Props. Victimisation this as a template, I cut off out the segments. Freshman, the good size ones, then the narrower ones.

I also made a middle former. This wasn't in the Punished Props' excogitation, but I figure since the one I'm making is cardboard, it South Korean won't be as strong and durable. The former is made finished of terzetto pieces of cardboard that will interleave together so that there will be six segments, that correspond with the six external segments.

Step 2: Basic Forum

I assembled the bicentric sum by interleaving the pieces collectively, then stuck the segments together around the core

The next step was to put a layer of paper all over the entire surface of the orchis formerly I'd affixed all the segments on, to hand over it a smooth, even surface. Then, to glue the narrower segments over the peak.

Stone's throw 3: Papier-mâché

Subsequently I'd started the step of papering the egg, I realised that it wasn't going go well, so I decided to cover the whole thing in papier-mâché. Because of this, I could have skipped the step of sticking the wallpaper layer over the cardboard, but oh well. It's a learning process.

Measure 4: Making the Scales

I started making the scales out of this paper tape. The tape is paper jointing tape, commonly used for joining sheets of plasterboard or wallboard. I used information technology because it's a fairly soggy wallpaper, giving body to the scales.

Unfortunately, the paper tape didn't work very recovered. It was okay for the real bottom scales, which be given to merge into the body of the egg, but further up the scales need more body to them. So I needed to find much other average.

After individual tests, using unlifelike and otherwise types of paper, the only thing I found which provides the needed thickness, and doesn't curl and falsify while it dries is this fabric. I think it's called chenille. Information technology's the wrongest application for it, merely these were offcuts that credibly would have been thrown away, and as I stated earlier, we'Re still in lockdown, and I have no EVA foam.

Thus begins the tedious march of creating the scales. Since the framework has a texture to it, I wanted to hide this as much as I could, so I glued paper to the back. The back, in fact, testament be the exterior face of the scales.

Stone's throw 5: Sticking the Scales On

For the step of sticking the scales on, I decided to once again apply the grab pasty. This adhesive is like a paste, then doesn't drip or run. Using nondescript Polyvinyl acetate didn't work on the scales as they attended equitable fall off over again.

Once all the scales had been attached, and the glue was dry, I painted over the whole egg with a spread I'd made with PVA glue and flour. The flour thickened the PVA just a little and the idea was to serve cover the tufts of the textile, which were showing on the edges of the scales. I didn't want the scales to look like they were made of material.

And once that was done, the molding part of this procedure was fattened.

Step 6: Painting

Ideally, what I would have got liked to consume done is get the right colour paint to set about with. Unfortunately, with the lockdown I was cursed with what I had, which were these fairly basic acrylic paints in basic colours. I besides had some leftover house paint, which is what I started with, but when it was dry it was way too pale. So I had to try mixing the acrylic paint paints to stimulate a nice green that matched the colour of the real prop.

Unfortunately, it's difficult get a good idea of the emblazon of the egg, as various photos of it seem to show information technology in different colours. Hither's a photo of Daenerys holding the egg, and here's other. In reality, they are the identical photo. Obviously the discolour has been adjusted on one and possibly some photos. Here's a tierce. Same scene, just a few seconds earlier, and the ball looks unusual once more.

And so anyway, I went with a super that was somewhere in the middle.

Having got a special K which is close to what I was lacking, and after picture the egg, the next tone was to ad more or less texture. Patc the top of the egg is a moderately uniform color in, the let down part has this patterned yellow-bellied texture. This is the part where the scales flux into the personify of the egg.

I applied the yellow with a poriferan, dabbing the paint on gently.

After that was dry, the final dance step was to apply a layer of clear coat.

Mistreat 7: Finished!

And that's the egg completed.

Ideally, I would have likeable to let used the EVA foam, as the cardboard gave me some problems along the way. Also, I think the green is a microscopic too burnished, so I would the like to repaint it future when I deal to get kayoed and stick the decent colour.

But information technology IT is what IT is, and I mean it came impermissible Okeh.

Well, I hope you likeable this Instructable.

Equal the Showtime to Portion out


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